
王程 国家级人才计划基金获得者、南强重点岗位教授;硕士、博士生导师

国防科学技术大学 博士(2002)



电子邮件:cwang (at) xmu.edu.cn

个人尊龙网平台主页:https://asc.xmu.edu.cn/t/wangcheng http://chwang.xmu.edu.cn


福建省智慧城市感知与计算重点实验室 主任

数字福建城市交通大数据研究所 所长



加拿大卡尔加里大学,客座教授(adjunct professor





ieee 高级会员

ieee grsl,副主编,  isprs jprsieee tits remote sensing 客座编辑


最佳创新奖,mmt innovation prize, the 11th international conference on mobile mapping technology, 2019

最佳论文奖, symposium on solid and physical modeling, 2018

最佳论文奖, the 10th international conference on mobile mapping technology, 2017



最佳论文奖提名,international conference on computer vision in remote sensing, xiamen, 2012

最佳论文奖, international workshop on multi-platform multi-sensor remote sensing and mapping, xiamen, 2011









在读博士:李渭,孙懿,sajjad roshandel,刘伟权,肖阳宝(卡耐基梅隆大学交换生),卞学胜,李庆,jibril muhammad adammuhammad kamran afzal bhattisaifullahi aminu bello,于尚书,郑传潘




2019-2020  isprs 科学启动计划项目,isprs benchmark on multisensory indoor mapping and positioning,主持



2016-2018年,中国-东盟海洋大数据综合信息服务平台(606 700万),国家海洋局,主持




· [ubicomp’19 ] chen l, xie t, wang x, wang c, “identifying urban villages from city-wide satellite imagery leveraging mask r-cnn ”, the acm international joint conference on pervasive and ubiquitous computing (ubicomp’19 poster), london, uk, 2019

· [cvpr 2019] shen x, wang c*, li x, et al. “rf-net: an end-to-end image matching network based on receptive field”. proceedings of the ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2019: 8132-8140.

· [cvpr 2019] li q, chen s, wang c, et al. “lo-net: deep real-time lidar odometry”. proceedings of the ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2019: 8473-8482.

· [isprs jprs] wen c., sun x., li j., wang c, guo y., habib a., “a deep learning framework for road marking extraction, classification and completion from mobile laser scanning point clouds”. isprs journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing147:178-192, 2019.

· [ubicomp’18 ] longbiao chen, xiaoliang fan, leye wang, zhiyong yu, johnthan li, daqing zhang, thi-mai-trang nguyen, gang pan, cheng wang* ,“radar: road obstacle identification for disaster response leveraging multi-source urban datathe acm international joint conference on pervasive and ubiquitous computing (ubicomp’18), singapore, 2018.

· [ieee tits] you c., wen c., wang c, li j., habib a., “joint 2-d-3-d traffic sign landmark data set for geo-localization using mobile laser scanning data”, ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, doi: 10.1109/tits.2018.2868168.

· [ieee grsl] wen c, sun x, hou s., tan j., dai y., wang, c., li, j., “line structure-based indoor and outdoor integration using backpacked and tls point cloud data”. ieee geoscience and remote sensing letters, 15(11): 1790-1794, 2018.

· [cad] chen z., zhang t., cao j, zhang y., wang c, “point cloud resampling using centroidal voronoi tessellation methods,” computer-aided design, 102:12-21, 2018.

· [cad] xiao y., chen z., cao j., zhang y., wang c, “optimal power diagrams via function approximation,” computer-aided design, 102:52-60, 2018.

· [ieee jstars] li w., wang c, zai d., huang p., liu w., wen c., li j. “a volumetric fusing method for tls and sfm point clouds”, ieee journal of selected topics in applied earth observations and remote sensing, 99:1-9, 2018.

· [ijcai 2018] liu w., shen x., wang c, zhang z., wen c., li j., “h-net: neural network for cross-domain image patch matching,” international joint conference on artificial intelligence (ijcai), 856-863,2018.

· [ieee tgrs] luo h., wang c, wen c., chen z., zai d., yu y., li j., “semantic labeling of mobile lidar point clouds via active learning and higher order mrf,” ieee transactions on geoscience and remote sensing, 56(7): 3631-3644, 2018.

· [isprs jprs] wang c, hou s., wen c. gong z., li q., sun x., li j., “semantic line framework-based indoor building modeling using backpacked laser scanning point cloud,” isprs journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing, volume 143, pages 150-166, september 2018.

· [pr] cao l., luo f., chen l., sheng y., wang h., wang c; ji r., “weakly supervised vehicle detection in satellite images via multi-instance discriminative learning,” pattern recognition, 417-424, volume 64, april 2017.

· [isprs jprs] lin y., wang c, zai d., li w., li j., "toward better boundary preserved supervoxel segmentation for 3d point clouds," isprs journal of photogrammetry & remote sensing, 143, 39-47, 2018.

· [cvpr 2018] chen y., wang j., li j., luo z., xue h., wang c, “lidar-video driving dataset: learning driving policies effectively,” accepted, the 13th ieee/cvf conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (cvpr2018), salt lake city, june 2018.

· [ieee tim] gong z., wen c., wang c, li j., "a target-free automatic self-calibration approach for multibeam laser scanners," ieee transactions on instrumentation and measurement, 67(1): 238-240, 2018.

· [isprs jprs] zai d., li j., guo y., cheng m., huang p., cao x., wang c, "pairwise registration of tls point clouds using covariance descriptors and a non-cooperative game," isprs journal of photogrammetry & remote sensing, 2017, doi: 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2017.10.001.

· [ieee grsl] yu y., gong z., wang c, wang p., "an unsupervised convolutional feature fusion network for deep representation of remote sensing images," ieee geoscience and remote sensing letters, 15(1):23-27, 2018.

· [ieee grsl] zou x., cheng m., wang c, li j., "tree classification in complex forest point clouds based on deep learning," ieee geoscience and remote sensing letters, 14(12): 2360-2364, 2017.

· [ieee tits] zai d., li j., guo y., cheng m., lin y., luo h., wang c, "3-d road boundary extraction from mobile laser scanning data via supervoxels and graph cuts," ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, 2017, doi: 10.1109/lgrs.2017.2764938.

· [ieee jstars] huang p., cheng m., chen y., zai d., wang c, li j., "solar potential analysis method using terrestrial laser scanning point clouds," ieee journal of selected topics in applied earth observations and remote sensing, 10(3): 1221-1233, 2017.

· [ieee jstars] cheng m., zhang h., wang c, li j., "extraction and classification of road markings using mobile laser scanning point clouds," ieee journal of selected topics in applied earth observations and remote sensing, 10(3): 1182-1196, 2017.

· [ieee tgrs] zang y., wang c, yu y., li j., "joint enhancing filtering for road network extraction," ieee transactions on geoscience & remote sensing, 55(3):1511-1525, 2017.

· [ieee tits] wu f., wen c., guo y., wang j., yu y., wang c, j li., "rapid localization and extraction of street light poles in mobile lidar point clouds: a supervoxel-based approach," ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, 18(2):292-305, 2017.

· [ieee tits] huang p., cheng m., chen y., luo h., wang c, li j., "traffic sign occlusion detection using mobile laser scanning point clouds." ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, 18(9):2364-2376, 2017.

· [ieee tgrs] lin y., wang c, chen b., li j., "facet segmentation-based line segment extraction for large-scale point clouds," ieee transactions on geoscience & remote sensing, 55(9): 4839-4854, 2017.

· [ieee grsl] wen c., pan s., wang c, et al., "an indoor backpack system for 2-d and 3-d mapping of building interiors". ieee geoscience & remote sensing letters, 13(7):992-996, 2016.

· [isprs jprs] yu y., li j., wen c., guan h., luo h., wang c, "bag-of-visual-phrases and hierarchical deep models for traffic sign detection and recognition in mobile laser scanning data, " isprs journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing, 113 (2016): 106–123, 2016.

· [ieee tgrs] chen z., wang c, wen c., teng x., chen y., guan h., luo h., cao l., li j., “vehicle detection in high-resolution aerial images via sparse representation and superpixels,” ieee transactions on geoscience and remote sensing, 54(1): 103-116, 2016.

· [ieee tgrs] chen z., wang c, luo h., wang h., chen y., wen c., yu y., cao l., li, j., “vehicle detection in high-resolution aerial images based on fast sparse representation classification,” ieee transactions on geoscience and remote sensing, 17(8): 2296-2309, 2016.

· [ieee tits] luo h, wang c, wen c, et al. patch-based semantic labeling of road scene using colorized mobile lidar point clouds. ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, 2016, 17(5):1286-1297.

· [ieee tits] wen c., li j., luo h., yu y., cai z., wang h., wang c, "spatial-related traffic sign inspection for inventory purposes using mobile laser scanning data, " ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, 17(1): 27-37, 2016.

· [ieee tits] yu y., li j., guan h., wang c, "bag of contextual-visual words for road scene object detection from mobile laser scanning data," ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, 17(12):3391-3406, 2016.

· [ieee tgrs] yu y., li j., guan h., wang c, wen c., "automated detection of three-dimensional cars in mobile laser scanning point clouds using dbm-hough-forests," ieee transactions on geoscience and remote sensing, 54(7): 4130-4142, 2016.

· [is] cao l., wang c, li j. vehicle detection from highway satellite images via transfer learning[j]. information sciences, 366: 177-187, 2016.

· [ieee tgrs] zang y., wang c, cao l., yu y., li j., "road network extraction via aperiodic directional structure measurement, " ieee transactions on geoscience and remote sensing, 54(6): 3322-3335, 2016.
