
丁兴号 福建省百千万人才、福建省新世纪优秀人才、教授、博士生导师

合肥工业大学 博士(2003)



电子邮件:dxh (at) xmu.edu.cn




  • 随机信号分析(本科生)

  • 机器学习(研究生课)

  • 数字图像处理(研究生课)


  • 2021:孟戈(博士生)、黄飞成(博士生,人工智能研究院)、褚学业、丁海舟、杨刚、郑国庆、周文波

  • 2020:匡振宇(博士生)、徐浩特(博士生,健康医疗大数据)、丁之元、何楚楚、黄乐兴、周观星、庄易鸿、梁浩


ccf 机器视觉专委、《数据挖掘》编委


  • 国家基金,基于伪健康图像生成得知识嵌入深度学习病灶分割方法研究, 202201-202512,主持

  • 企业委托项目,异构数据融合的机器学习方法研究,202001-202201,主持

  • 企业委托项目,计算机视觉辅助驾驶算法研究,201904-202204,100万,主持

  • 福建省科技重大专项,智能边缘计算终端与系统的研发,201904-202203,参与

  • 国家自然科学基金委员会,促进海峡两岸科技合作联合基金,视觉增强与感知的关键技术研究,2017-01至2020-12,参与

  • 国家自然科学基金委员会,基于部分k空间数据子空间分解的贝叶斯非参数压缩感知mri重建方法,2016-01至2019-12,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金,基于非参数层次贝叶斯模型的自适应字典稀疏表示方法及应用,201201-201512,主持。

  • 国家自然科学基金,基于压缩传感理论的高时空分辨率动态磁共振成像关键技术研究,201001-201212,主持。

  • 广东省自然科学基金项目:基于贝叶斯多任务压缩感知理论的多对比度mri重建方法,2016.1-2018.12, 主持。(备注:依托厦大深圳研究院申请)

  • 企业委托项目,司机行为智能视频分析算法开发,2017.3-2020.3, 主持。

  • 企业委托项目,街景影像中的人脸与车牌隐私保护,2015.6-2016.12,主持。

  • 企业委托项目,遥感图像视觉增强系统,2015.9 -2016.5,主持。

  • 企业委托项目,车联网智能视频传感器算法开发,201511-201604, 主持。

  • 企业委托项目,透雾高清网络视频监控系统,2014.3-2014.12,主持。

  • 企业委托项目,公共安全监控雾天实时清晰化系统,2013.10- 2014.10 ,主持。


  • huangxing lin, weihong zeng, yihong zhuang, xinghao ding, yue huang and john paisley. learning rate dropout. in ieee transactions on  neural networks and learning systems, 2022.

  • wu wang , xueyang fu , weihong zeng,  liyan sun, ronghui zhan, yue huang , xinghao ding*.  enhanced deep blind hyperspectral image fusion,ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems ( jcr 1)

  • xueyang fu, menglu wang, xiangyong cao, xinghao ding, zheng-jun zha. a model-driven deep unfolding method for jpeg artifacts removal, ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems ( jcr 1)

  • x. fu, q. qi, z. zha*, x. ding(丁兴号), f. wu and j. paisley. successive graph convolutional network for image de-raining, international journal of computer vision, 2021: 1-21. ( ijcv, ccf a)

  • yunlong zhang, changxing jing, huangxing lin, chaoqi chen, yue huang*, xinghao ding, yang zou, hard class rectification for domain adaptation, knowledge-based systems , 2021(jcr2 区 ccf c)

  • l. shi, z. liang, y. wen, y. zhuang, y. huang*, x. ding. one-shot hrrp generation for radar target recognition, ieee geoscience and remote sensing letters pp(99):1-5, 2021. (jcr 2区)

  • h. lin, y. li, x. fu, x. ding(丁兴号)*, y. huang, and j. paisley. rain o'er me: synthesizing real rain to derain with data distillation, ieee transactions on image processing, 29: 7668-7680, 2020. (tip, ccf a)

  • l. sun, z. fan, x. fu, y. huang, x. ding(丁兴号)*, and j. paisley. a deep information sharing network for multi-contrast compressed sensing mri reconstruction, ieee transactions on image processing, 2019, 28(12): 6141-6153. (tip, ccf a)

  • x. fu, j. huang, x. ding(丁兴号)*, y. liao, and j. paisley. clearing the skies: a deep network architecture for single-image rain removal, ieee transactions on image processing, 2017, 26(6): 2944-2956. (tip, ccf a ,esi高引论文)

  • x. fu, y. liao, d. zeng, y. huang, x. zhang, and x. ding(丁兴号)*. a probabilistic method for image enhancement with simultaneous illumination and reflectance estimation, ieee transactions on image processing, 2015, 24(12): 4965-4977. (tip, ccf a )

  • y. huang, j. paisley, q. lin, x. ding(丁兴号)*, x. fu, and x. zhang. bayesian nonparametric dictionary learning for compressed sensing mri, ieee transactions on image processing, 2014, 23(12): 5007-5119. (tip, ccf a )

  • x. ding(丁兴号)*, lihan he and lawrence carin. bayesian robust principal component analysis, ieee trans. image processing (tip), 20(12): 3419-3430, 2011. (tip, ccf a, if6.79 )

  • x. fu, d. zeng, y. huang, y. liao, x. ding(丁兴号)* and j. paisley. a fusion-based enhancing method for weakly illuminated images, signal processing, 2016, 129: 82-96. ( esi高被引,被该期刊评为2020年度最佳论文,一般每年仅1篇,具体链接如下) https://www.eurasip.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=90:signal-processing-award&catid=2&itemid=1098

  • x. fu, w. wang, y. huang, x. ding(丁兴号)*, j. paisley. deep multi-scale detail networks for multi-band spectral image sharpening, ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems,2020. (jcr1区)

  • x. fu, b. liang, y. huang, x. ding(丁兴号)* and j. paisley. lightweight pyramid networks for image deraining, ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 31(6): 1794-1807, 2020. (tnnls, jcr 1区,if11.68)

  • l. sun, w. ma, x. ding(丁兴号)* , y. huang, d. liang and j. paisley. a 3d spatially-weighted network for segmentation of brain tissue from mri, ieee transactions on medical imaging, 39(4): 898-909, 2020. (tmi, jcr 1区,if7.816)

  • y. huang, b. liang, w. xie, y. liao, z. kuang, y. zhuang, and x. ding(丁兴号)*. dual domain multi-task model for vehicle re-identification, ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, 10.1109/tits.2020.3027578. (jcr 1区, ccf b)

  • y. huang, z. liu, m. jiang, x. yu, x. ding(丁兴号)*. cost-effective vehicle type recognition in surveillance images with deep active learning and web data, ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, 21(1): 79-86, 2020. (jcr 1区, ccf b)

  • j. wang, h. zheng, y. huang*, x. ding(丁兴号)*. vehicle type recognition in surveillance images from labeled web-nature data using deep transfer learning. ieee trans. intelligent transportation systems, 2018, 19(9): 2913-2922(tits: jcr2区,if5.744)

  • y. huang, r. wu, y. sun, w. wang and x. ding(丁兴号)*. vehicle logo recognition system based on convolutional neural networks with a pre-training strategy, ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems , vol. 16, no.4, pp. 1951 - 1960, 2015.(tits, jcr2区 )

  • x. ding(丁兴号), f. he, z. lin, y. wang, y. huang*. crowd density estimation using fusion of multi-layer features, ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, 10.1109/tits.2020.2983475. (jcr 1区, ccf b)

  • x. ding(丁兴号), j. wang, c. dong, y. huang*. vehicle type recognition from surveillance data based on deep active learning, ieee transactions on vehicular technology, 69(3): 2477-2486, 2020. (jcr 1区)

  • l. sun, j. wang, y. huang, x. ding(丁兴号)*, h. greenspan, and j. paisley. an adversarial learning approach to medical image synthesis for lesion detection, ieee journal of biomedical and health informatics, 8(24): 2303-2314, 2020. (jcr2区)


  • zhenqi fu, huangxing lin, yan yang, shu chai, liyan sun, yue huang and xinghao ding*. unsupervised underwater image restoration: from a homology perspective. in aaai, 2022.

  • huangxing lin, yihong zhuang, yue huang, xinghao ding*, xiaoqing liu and yizhou yu. noise2grad: extract image noise to denoise. in ijcai 2021 (ccf a).

  • x. fu, q. qi, y. zhu, x. ding(丁兴号), z. zha. rain streak removal via dual graph convolutional network. aaai conference on artificial intelligence (aaai, ccf a), 2021.

  • yiyi zhou, tianhe ren, chaoyang zhu, xiaoshuai sun, jianzhuang liu, xinghao ding, mingliang xu, rongrong ji. trar: routing the attention spans in transformers for visual question answering. ieee international conference on computer vision (iccv2021,ccf a).

  • chaoqi chen, jiongcheng li, zebiao zhen, yue huang, xinghao ding, yizhou yu*. dual bipartite graph learning: a general approach for domain adaptive object detection. ieee international conference on computer vision (iccv2021,ccf a).

  • c. chen, z. zheng, y. huang*, x. ding(丁兴号), y. yu. i^3net: implicit instance-invariant network for adapting one-stage object detectors. ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, 2021. (cvpr, ccf a)

  • yunlong zhang, chenxin li, xin lin, liyan sun, yihong zhuang, yue huang*, xinghao ding, xiaoqing liu, yizhou yu, generator versus segmentor: pseudo-healthy synthesis, miccai 2021

  • liyan sun, hongyu huang,xinghao ding*,yue huang, xiaoqing liu, yizhou yu, fast magnetic resonance imaging on regions of interest: from sensing to reconstruction,miccai 2021

  • y. zhou, r. ji, x. sun*, g. luo, x. hong, j. su, x. ding(丁兴号), and l. shao. k-armed bandit based multi-modal network srchitecture dearch for visual question answering. acm multimedia, 2020. (acm mm, ccf a)

  • c. chen, z. zheng, x. ding(丁兴号), y. huang*, q. dou. harmonizing transferability and discriminability for adapting object detectors. ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (cvpr), 2020.(cvpr,ccf a)

  • x. fu, z. zha*, f. wu, x. ding(丁兴号) and j. paisley. jpeg artifacts reduction via deep convolutional sparse coding, ieee international conference on computer vision, 2019. (iccv, ccf a)

  • w. wang, w. zeng, y. huang, x. ding(丁兴号)* and j. paisley. deep blind hyperspectral image fusion,  ieee international conference on computer vision, 2019. (iccv, ccf a)

  • c. zhang, b. liang,z. huang, m. en, j. han, e. ding, x. ding(丁兴号)*. look more than once: an accurate detector for text of arbitrary shapes. ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, 2019. (cvpr, ccf a)

  • x. fu, z. lin,y. huang,x. ding(丁兴号)*. a variational pan-sharpening with local gradient constraints,ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, 2019. (cvpr, ccf a)

  • c. chen,w. xie,y. huang*,x. ding(丁兴号).  progressive feature alignment for unsupervised domain adaptation,ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, 2019. (cvpr, ccf a)

  • z. fan, h. wu, x. fu, y. huang, x. ding(丁兴号)*. residual-guide network for single image deraining, acm multimedia, 2018 (acm mm,ccf a )

  • l. sun, z. fan, y. huang, x. ding(丁兴号)* and j. paisley. compressed sensing mri using a recursive dilated network, aaai conference on artificial intelligence, 2018.(aaai, ccf a)

  • z. fan, l. sun, x. ding(丁兴号)*, y. huang, c. cai and j. paisley. a segmentation-aware deep fusion network for compressed sensing mri, european conference on computer vision, 2018.(eccv, ccf b)

  • s. cai, j. huang, d. zeng*, x. ding(丁兴号) and j. paisley. menet: a metric expression network for salient object segmentation, international joint conference on artificial intelligence, 2018. (ijcai, ccf a)

  • j. yang, x. fu, y. hu, y. huang, x. ding(丁兴号)*, john paisley. pannet: a deep network architecture for pan-sharpening , ieee international conference on computer vision, 2017. (iccv, ccf a).

  • x. fu, j. huang, d. zeng, y. huang, x. ding(丁兴号)* and j. paisley. removing rain from single images via a deep detail network,ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition , 2017. (cvpr,ccf a).

  • x. fu, d. zeng, y. huang, x. zhang and x. ding(丁兴号)*. a weighted variational model for simultaneous reflectance and illumination estimation, ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, 2016(cvpr, ccf a).

  • y. jiang, x. ding(丁兴号)*, d. zeng, y. huang and john paisley.pan-sharpening with a hyper-laplacian penalty, ieee international conference on computer vision,2015. (iccv,ccf a).
