
王菡子 福建省引进高层次创新人才、福建省闽江学者特聘教授;博士生导师

澳大利亚莫纳士大学(monash university) 博士(2004)



电子邮件:hanzi.wang (at) xmu.edu.cn






  • 澳大利亚阿德莱德大学,客座教授(adjunct professor)

  • 中国图像图形学会,理事;机器视觉专委会,副主任委员

  • ieee 高级会员

  • 《ieee transactions on circuits and systems for video technology》 编委(2010-2015)


  • 计算机科学与技术导论(本科)

  • 视频分析前沿(研究生)


  • 吴强强(2020年度福建省优秀硕士论文)

  • 郭冠军(2018年度福建省优秀博士论文)

  • 肖国宝(2018年度中国图象图形学学会优秀博士学位论文奖、2017年度福建省优秀博士论文)

  • 赖桃桃(2017年度福建省优秀博士论文)等

毕业的学生分别到 百度、腾讯、京东、华为、今日头条、国家电网等单位工作(部分信息见:https://pami.xmu.edu.cn/hanzi_cn/bfybydxs.htm)。


  • 2022-2025年,面向海峡区域公共安全的鲁棒视觉分析与理解(306万),国家基金重点(海峡合作基金),主持

  • 2017-2020年,视觉增强与感知的关键技术研究(256万),国家基金重点(海峡合作基金),主持

  • 2010-2013年,目标检测与跟踪中的关键问题研究(200万),“985 工程”人才引进启动经费,主持

  • 2019-2022年,复杂场景下的长程目标跟踪方法研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持

  • 2015-2018年,鲁棒模型拟合中的关键问题研究及应用,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持

  • 2012-2015年,移动摄像机下基于鲁棒统计模型和多线索融合的目标跟踪方法研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持



1. d. ruan, r. mo, y. yan, s. chen, j. xue, h. wang. adaptive deep disturbance-disentangled learning for facial expression recognition. international journal of computer vision ((ijcv), 2022 (accepted).

2. g. xiao, h. wang, j. ma, d. suter. segmentation by continuous latent semantic analysis for multi-structure model fitting. international journal of computer vision (ijcv), vol 129, no. 7, pp. 2034-2056, 2021. (ccf a 类, jcr 1区)

3. h. wang, g. xiao, y. yan, and d. suter. searching for representative modes on hypergraphs for robust geometric model fitting. ieee transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence (pami), vol 41, no. 3, pages 697-711, 2019. (ccf a 类, jcr 1区)

4. g. xiao, h. wang, y. yan, and d. suter. superpixel-guided two-view deterministic geometric model fitting. international journal of computer vision (ijcv), vol 127, no. 4, pages 323-339, 2019. (ccf a 类, jcr 1区)

5. x. li, a. dick, c. shen, a. van den hengel, and h. wang. incremental learning of 3d-dct compact representations for robust visual tracking. ieee transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence (pami), vol 35, no. 64, pages 863 - 881, apr. 2013. (ccf a 类, jcr 1区)

6. h. wang, t.-j. chin,and d. suter. simultaneously fitting and segmenting multiple-structure data with outliers. ieee trans. pattern analysis and machine intelligence (pami), vol 34, no. 6, pages 1177 - 1192, june 2012. (ccf a 类, jcr 1区)

7. c. shen, p. wang, f. shen and h. wang. uboost: boosting with the universum. ieee trans. pattern analysis and machine intelligence (pami), vol 34, no. 4, pages 825 - 832, june 2012. (ccf a 类, jcr 1区)

8. h. wang, d. mirota and g. hager. a generalized kernel consensus based robust estimator. ieee trans. pattern analysis and machine intelligence (pami), vol 32, no. 1, pages 178 - 184, 2010. (ccf a 类, jcr 1区)

9. k. schindler, d. suter and h. wang. a model-selection framework for multibody structure-and-motion of image sequences. international journal of computer vision (ijcv), vol 79, no. 2, pages 159 - 177, 2008. (ccf a 类, jcr 1区)

10. h. wang, david suter, konrad schindler and chunhua shen. adaptive object tracking based on an effective appearance filter. ieee trans. pattern analysis and machine intelligence (pami), vol 29, no. 9, pages 1661 - 1667, 2007. (ccf a 类, jcr 1区)

11. h. guo, y. lu, h. chen, h. luo, g. xiao, h. zhang, and h. wang. motion consistency guided robust geometric model fitting with severe outliers. ieee transactions on industrial electronics (ieee tie), accepted, 2021. (jcr 1区)

12. y. liang, y. liu,y. yan,l. zhang and h. wang. robust visual tracking via spatio-temporal adaptive and channel selective correlation filters. pattern recognition (pr), vol 112, no.9, pages 107738:1-107738:14, 2021.

13. x. zhang, y. yan, j. xue, y. and h. wang. semantic-aware occlusion-robust network for occluded person re-identification. ieee transactions on circuits and systems for video technology (ieee tcsvt), vol 31, no. 7, pages 2764-2778, 2021.

14. q. wu, h. wang, y. liu, l. zhang and x. gao. sat: single-shot adversarial tracker. ieee transactions on industrial electronics (ieee tie), vol 67, no. 11, pages 9882-9892, 2020. (jcr 1区)

15. y. yan, y. huang, s. chen, c. shen and h. wang. joint deep learning of facial expression synthesis and recognition. ieee transactions on multimedia (ieee tmm), vol 22, no. 11, pages 2792-2807, 2020.

16. j. zheng, y. wang, h. wang, b. li and h. hu. a novel projective-consistent plane based image stitching method. ieee transactions on multimedia (ieee tmm),vol.21, no.10, pages 2561 - 2575, 2019.

17. t. lai, r. chen, q. li, h. fujita, a. sadri and h. wang. efficient robust model fitting for multi-structure data using global greedy search. ieee transactions on cybernetics (ieee t-cyber), vol.50, no.7, pages 3294-3306, 2020. (jcr 1区)

18. h. hu, q. guo, j. zheng, h. wang and b. li. single image defogging based on illumination decomposition for visual maritime surveillance.

ieee transactions on image processing (ieee tip), vol.28, no.6, pages 2882 - 2897, 2019. (ccf a 类, jcr 1区)

19. t. lai, h. wang, y. yan,t.j. chin, j. zheng and b. li. accelerated guided sampling for multi-structure model fitting. ieee transactions on cybernetics (ieee t-cyber), vol.50, no.10, pages 4530 - 4543, 2019. (jcr 1区)

20. n. zhuang, y. yan, h. wang and c. shen. multi-label learning based deep transfer neural network for facial attribute classification. pattern recognition (pr), vol. 80, pages 225-240, 2018.  

21. g. guo, h. wang, c. shen, y. yan and h.m. liao. automatic image cropping for visual aesthetic enhancement using deep neural networks and cascaded regression. ieee transactions on multimedia (ieee tmm), vol. 20, no.8, pages 2073 - 2085, 2018.

22. g. guo, h. wang, w. zhao, y. yan and x. li. object discovery via cohesion measurement. ieee transactions on cybernetics (ieee t-cyber), vol. 48, no.3, pages 862 - 875, 2018. (jcr 1区)

23. z. zhang, f. xing, h. wang, y. yan, y. huang, x. shi, l. yang. revisiting graph construction for fast image segmentation. pattern recognition (pr), vol 78, pages 344 - 357, 2018.

24. t. lai, h. wang, y. yan, g. xiao and d. suter. efficient guided hypothesis generation for multi-structure epipolar geometry estimation. computer vision and image understanding (cviu), vol154, pages 152 -165, 2017.

25. w. zhao, c. ngo and h. wang. fast covariant vlad for image search. ieee transactions on multimedia (ieee tmm), vol 18, no. 9, pages 1843 - 1854, 2016.

26. y. xie, w. zhang, d. tao, w. hu, y. qu and h. wang. removing turbulence effect via hybrid total variation and deformation-guided kernel regression. ieee transactions on image processing (tip), vol 25, no. 10, pages 4943 - 4958, 2016. (ccf a 类, jcr 1区)

27. g. xiao, h. wang, t. lai and d. suter. hypergraph modelling for geometric model fitting. pattern recognition (pr), vol 60, pages 748 - 760, 2016.

28. y. yan, h. wang, s. chen, x. cao and d. zhang. quadratic projection based feature extraction with its application to biometric recognition.

pattern recognition (pr), vol 56, pages 40 - 49, 2016.

29. y. yan, c. shen and h. wang. efficient semidefinite spectral clustering via lagrange duality. ieee transactions on image processing (tip), vol 23, no. 8, pages 3522 - 3534, 2014. (ccf a 类, jcr 1区)

30. y. yan, h. wang and d. suter. multi-subregion based correlation filter bank for robust face recognition. pattern recognition (pr), vol 47,  pages 3487 - 3501, 2014.        

31. x. li, a. dick, c. shen, z. zhang, a. van den hengel and h. wang. visual tracking with spatio-temporal dempster-shafer information fusion. ieee transactions on image processing (tip), vol 22, no. 8, pages 3028 - 3040, 2013. (ccf a 类, jcr 1区)

32. d.j.mirota, h. wang, r.h. taylor, m. ishii, g.l.gallia, and g.d.hager. a system for video-based navigation for endoscopic endonasal skull base surgery. ieee trans. on medical imaging (tmi), vol 31, no. 4, pages 963 - 976, june 2012.

33. c. shen, j. kim and h. wang. generalized kernel-based visual tracking. ieee transactions on circuits and systems for video technology (tcsvt), vol 20, no. 1, pages 119-130, 2010.

34. h. wang and d. suter. a consensus-based method for tracking: modelling background scenario and foreground appearance. pattern recognition (pr), vol. 40, no.3, pages 1091-1105,2007.


1. r. mo, y. yan, j.xue, s. chen, and h. wang. d3net: dual-branch disturbance disentangling network for facial expression recognition. the acm international conference on multimedia (acm mm), chengdu, china, oct.20-24, 2021. (ccf a类,27.9% acceptance rate)

2. x. wang, w. ye, z. qi, x. zhao, g. wang, y. shan and h. wang. semantic-guided relation propagation network for few-shot action recognition. the acm international conference on multimedia (acm mm), chengdu, china, oct. 20-24, 2021. (ccf a类,27.9% acceptance rate)

3. y. zhang, y. yan, y. lu and h. wang. towards a unified middle modality learning for visible-infrared person re-identification. the acm international conference on multimedia (acm mm), chengdu, china, oct. 20-24, 2021. (ccf a类,27.9% acceptance rate)

4. d. ruan, y. yan, s. lai, z. chai, c. shen and h. wang. feature decomposition and reconstruction learning for effective facial expression recognition. proceedings of the ieee/cvf conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (cvpr) , pages7660--7669, june, 2021. (ccf a类,27% acceptance rate)

5. y. shu, y. yan, s. chen, j. xue, c. shen and h. wang. learning spatial-semantic relationship for facial attribute recognition with limited labeled data. proceedings of the ieee/cvf conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (cvpr), pages11916-11925, june, 2021. (ccf a类,27% acceptance rate)

6. d. ruan, y. yan, s. chen, j.xue and h. wang. deep disturbance-disentangled learning for facial expression recognition. the acm international conference on multimedia (acm mm), seattle, united states, oct. 12-16, 2020. (ccf a类,27.95% acceptance rate)

7. l. lin, h. chen, h. zhang, j. liang, y. li, y. shan and h.wang. dual semantic fusion network for video object detection. the acm international conference on multimedia (acm mm), seattle, united states, oct. 12-16, 2020. (ccf a类,27.95% acceptance rate)

8. h. chen, d. suter, q. wu and h. wang. end-to-end learning of object motion estimation from retinal events for event-based object tracking. the aaai conference on artificial intelligence (aaai), new york, usa, feb.7-12, 2020. (ccf a类,20.6% acceptance rate)

9. h. chen, q. wu, y. liang, x. gao and h. wang. asynchronous tracking-by-detection on adaptive time surfaces for event-based object tracking. the acm multimedia conference (acm mm), nice, france, oct.21-25, 2019. (ccf a类,26.5% acceptance rate)

10. s. lin, g. xiao, y. yan, d. suter and h. wang. hypergraph optimization for multi-structural geometric model fitting. the aaai conference on artificial intelligence (aaai), hawaii, usa, jan. 27-feb.1, 2019. (ccf a类,16% acceptance rate)

11. y. liang, q. wu, y. liu, y. yan and h. wang. robust correlation filter tracking with shepherded instance-aware proposals. the acm multimedia conference (acm mm), seoul, korea, oct.22-26, 2018. (ccf a类,oral presentation, acceptance rate: 8.5%)

12. g. xiao, h. wang, y. yan and d. suter. superpixel-based two-view deterministic fitting for multiple-structure data. european conference on computer vision (eccv), amsterdam, netherlands, oct.8-16, 2016

13. h. wang, g. xiao, y. yan and d. suter. mode-seeking on hypergraphs for robust geometric model fitting. ieee international conference on computer vision (iccv), santiago, chile, dec.13-16, 2015. (ccf a类)

14. x. li, a. dick, h. wang, c. shen and a. hengel. graph mode-based contextual kernels for robust svm tracking. ieee international conference on computer vision (iccv), barcelona, spain, 2011. (ccf a类)

15. t.-j. chin, d. suter, and h. wang. multi-structure model selection via kernel optimisation. ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (cvpr), san francisco, ca, usa, june 13-18, 2010. (ccf a类, 26.8% acceptance rate)

16. t.-j. chin, h. wang and d. suter. the ordered residual kernel for robust motion subspace clustering. advances of neural information processing systems (nips), vancouver, b.c., canada, pages 333-341, 2009. (ccf a类, 23.8% acceptance rate)

17. t.-j. chin, h. wang and d.suter. robust fitting of multiple structures: the statistical learning approach. ieee international conference on computer vision (iccv), kyoto, japan, pages 413-420, 2009. (ccf a类, 23.2% acceptance rate)

18. d.mirota, h.wang, r. taylor, m. ishii and g.hager. towards video-based navigation for endoscopic endonasal skull base surgery. international conference on medical image computing and computer assisted intervention (miccai), london, uk, sept. 20-24, volume 5761, pages 91-99, 2009. (oral presentation, acceptance rate: 5%)

19. h. wang, d. mirota, m. ishii and g. hager. robust motion estimation and structure recoveryfrom endoscopic image sequences with an adaptive scale kernel consensus estimator. ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (cvpr), alaska, u.s.a., june 24-26, 2008. (ccf a类)

20. h. wang, d. suter and k. schindler. effective appearance model and similarity measure for particle filtering and visual tracking. european conference on computer vision (eccv), graz, austria, volume 3953, pages 606-618, may 7-13, 2006. (oral - 40 out of 900)

21. konrad schindler, james u, and h. wang. perspective n-view multibody structure-and-motion through model selection. european conference on computer vision (eccv), graz, austria, volume 3951, pages 606-619, may 7-13, 2006. (oral - 40 out of 900)

