
向乔 教授









  担任多次学术会议程序委员会委员,如ieee infocom, ieee/acm iwqos

  担任多个学术期刊客座编辑和审稿人,如tdsc, tmctnse, tietvt


1.      多管理域软件定义网络资源发现与调度

2.      基于形式化方法的实时分布式网络验证

3.      基于机器学习的车联网与物联网系统等。


长期从事计算机网络与系统领域的研究,主要研究方向包括软件定义网络,数据中心,智能网络,物联网,机器学习系统等,在上述领域主持设计/部署了多个具有国际先进水平的网络系统。在supercomputing, infocom, rtss, multimedia, aaai, jsac, tmc,ton 等国际会议/期刊上发表学术论文40 余篇,合著专著一部。其中ccf a 类论文14 篇,ieee/acm trans. 论文8 篇,国际会议最佳论文奖1 篇,大会特邀论文2 篇。先后主持国家自然科学基金青年基金1 项,博士后基金1 项,共同主持facebook research award 项目1 项,总计经费约70 万。担任10余次国际学术会议程序委员与国际期刊编辑,3 次国际会议宣传主席。


主持设计了基于软件定义网络,机器学习与可信多方安全计算的多管理域科学计算网络细粒度资源管理系统,在 cern 大型例子对撞机数据传输与分析网络上完成初步部署,系统设计作为互联网草案提交 ietf alto 工作组审议;主持设计了 opensdc可编程数据通路架构,拓展软件定义网络数据通路,提高移动军事网络数据通路可编程性,该架构交付美国陆军实验室与英国国防部实验室进行后续测试与标准化;主持设计了一系列用于下一代车联网的车载通信协议交付美国通用汽车公司整合入下一代车载通信系统。





  2019 facebook research award - networking, 全球共6 个项目获奖

  2019 ieee mass 2019,最佳论文奖(1/116

  2013 美国韦恩州立大学杰出教学奖


1.     qiao xiang, haitao yu, james aspnes, franck le, linghe kong, yang richard yang, optimizing in the dark: learning optimal network resource reservation through a simple request interface, to appear at ieee/acm transactions on networking (ton)ccf a类期刊,

2.     qiao xiang, jingxuan zhang, xin wang, yang liu, chin guok, franck le, john macauley, harvey newman, yang richard yang, toward fine-grained, privacy-preserving, efficient multi-domain network resource discovery, in ieee journal on selected areas in communications (jsac), 2019, ccf a类期刊,

3.     yichao cheng, ning luo, jingxuan zhang, timos antetomos, ruzica piskac, qiao xiang (通信作者), looking for the maximal independent set: a new perspective of stable path problem, to appear in the 40th annual ieee international conference on computer communications (infocom 2021) ccf a类会议.

4.     qiao xiang, jensen zhang, kai gao, yeon-sup lim, franck le, geng li, yang richard yang, toward optimal software-defined interdomain routing, in the 39th annual ieee international conference on computer communications (infocom 2020), ccf a类会议.

5.     xi chen, qiao xiang (共同第一作者), linghe kong, xue liu, radioloc: learning vehicle locations with fm signal in all-terrain environments, in 2019 ieee international conference on mobile ad-hoc and smart systems (mass 2019), 最佳论文奖, ccf c类会议.

6.     qiao xiang, haitao yu, james aspnes, franck le, linghe kong, yang richard yang, optimizing in the dark: learning an optimal solution through a simple request interface, in 2019 aaai conference on artificial intelligence (aaai 2019)ccf a 类会议.

7.     qiao xiang, jingxuan zhang, xin wang, yang liu, chin guok, franck le, john macauley, harvey newman, yang richard yang, fine-grained, multi-domain network resource abstraction as a fundamental primitive to enable high-performance, collaborative data sciences, in 2018 acm/ieee international conference for high performance computing, networking, storage, and analysis (supercomputing18), ccf a类会议.

8.     qiao xiang, hongwei zhang, jianping wang, guoliang xing, shan lin, xue liu, on optimal diversity in network-coding-based routing in wireless networks, in the 34th annual ieee international conference on computer communications (infocom 2015), ccf a 类会议.

9.     qiao xiang, xi chen, linghe kong, lei rao, xue liu, data preference matters: a new perspective of safety data dissemination in vehicular ad hoc networks, the 34th annual ieee international conference on computer communications (infocom 2015) ccf a类会议.

10. qiao xiang, jinhong xu, xiaohui liu, hongwei zhang, loren j. rittle, when in-network processing meets time: complexity and effects of joint optimization in wireless sensor networks, ieee transaction of mobile computing (tmc), 10(10), pp. 1488-1502, october 2011, ccf a 类期刊.

11. qiao xiang, jinhong xu, xiaohui liu, hongwei zhang, loren j. rittle, when in-network processing meets time: complexity and effects of joint optimization in wireless sensor networks, the 30th ieee real-time systems symposium (rtss’09), ccf a 类会议.
