
雷蕴奇 教授

国防科学技术大学 博士(1988)



电子邮件:yqlei (at) xmu.edu.cn




博士,教授, 任职厦门大学信息学院计算机科学系。从事机器学习、计算机视觉与图像处理系统、模式识别与智能系统、计算机网络与软件、计算理论等方面的科研与教学。分别获得工学中国科技大学学士(1982.1)、海军工程大学硕士(1984.7)、国防科技大学博士(1988.9)。曾在海军工程大学舰船电气工程系、国防科技大学自动控制系、厦门大学计算机系分别担任助教、讲师、副教授、教授等教职,曾为香港中文大学、香港浸会大学的高级访问学者,曾任职新加坡理工学院电子与通讯系讲师。


he received his b. eng. degree in electronics from university of science and technology of china, m. eng. degree in marine electric engineering from university of the navy engineering, china, and the ph.d. degree in automation from national university of defense technology, china, in 1982, 1984 and 1988, respectively. from 1988 to 1996, he first was a lecturer at national university of defense technology, and then he was an associate professor at xiamen university. from 1996 to 1997, he worked as a visiting scholar at the chinese university of hong kong and the hong kong baptist university. he joined singapore polytechnic as a lecturer from 1998 to 2000. he also worked for several it companies as a senior technical consultant.

as the group leader, he is now conducting a project funded by the national natural science foundation of china (nsfc), which is about 3d deformable object recognition and manifold learning, and other it enterprise funded projects. the projects he had headed include those from the university-enterprise collaborated key research of fujian province, the fujian nsf, the china nsfy, the singapore national r&d, the innovation r&d of fujian province, and other several r&d projects from it companies, which related with video and image processing, 3d/2d face recognition and chinese semantic understanding. as the first collaborator or a group member, he researched on the projects of china hi-tech “863” plan, china nsfc, and fujian nsf, regarding computer vision, video processing and machine learning. he has published 50 research papers on academic journals and the proceedings of international conferences.

his current research interests include computer vision and image processing, machine learning, big data and cloud computing and computer networks. the teaching subjects of him include the theory of computation, computer networks, etc.


1. 计算理论基础(研),计算机网络与通讯(本)

2. 曾主讲过7门其他的专业课程


1. 在校博士生(李翠华教授主导师):张艳,江梦茜, abubaka s. gezawa,shabani ayubu m.

2. 在校硕士生:郭贽尧,吴炜坤,黄闽彧,kevin van dijk, zikirillahi aminu bello,刘睿,王天龙,周家俊,周世豪,郭剑华,蔡珊珊,陈伶俐,黄宇楠,fiza khaliq.


1. 计算理论基础:厦门大学研究生院首届(2019)研究生特别优秀示范课程建设项目


1.mengxi jiang, zhuliang yu, cuihua li, yunqi lei*, sdm3d: shape decomposition of multiple geometric priors for 3d pose estimation. neural computing and applications, doi:10.1007/s00521-020-05086-0,2020.

2.abubaka sulaiman gezawa, yan zhang, qicong wang, lei yunqi*,a review on deep learning approaches for 3d data representations in retrieval and classifications. ieee access, doi:10.1109/access.2020.298219, april, 2020.

3.weikun wu, yan zhang, david wang, yunqi lei*, sk-net: deep learning on point cloud via end-to-end discovery of spatial keypoints[c]. proc. of the aaai conf. on artificial intelligence (aaai’ 20), new york, february 7-12, 2020. (ccf-a)

4.yan zhang, yanyun qu*,cuihua li, yunqi lei, jianping fan, ontology-driven hierarchical sparse coding for large-scale image classification. neurocomputing, doi: 10.1016/j.neucom.2019.05.059,v.360(2019),pp.209-219, sept, 2019.

5.mengxi jiang, zhuliang yu, yan zhang, qicong wang, cuihua li, yunqi lei∗, reweighted sparse representation with residual compensation for 3d human pose estimation from a single rgb image. neurocomputing, doi: 10.1016/j.neucom.2019.05.034,v.358(2019),pp.332-343, sept, 2019.

6.蔡剑平, 雷蕴奇, 陈明明, 王宁, 张双越, 带有隐式反馈的svd推荐模型高效求解算法, 中国科学-信息科学, doi: 10.1360/ssi-2019-0107,2019.

7.d. m. s. bandara, yunqi lei and ye luo, fingerprint image encryption using a 2d chaotic map and elliptic curve cryptography. int’l journal of computer and information engineering, world academy of science, engineering and technology, v 12, n 10, p 871 – 878, october 2018.

8.wang, qicong; gong, dingxi; qi, man; shen, yehu; lei, yunqi; temporal sparse feature auto-combination deep network for video action recognition, concurrency computation, 2018; doi: 10.1002/cpe.4487; publisher: john wiley and sons ltd.

9.qicong wang, jinhao zhao, dingxi gong, yehu shen, maozhen li, yunqi lei*, parallelizing convolutional neural networks for action event recognition in surveillance videos, international journal of parallel programming. v 45, n 4, p 734-759, august 1, 2017.

10.qicong wang, binbin wang, xinjie hao, lisheng chen, yunqi lei*, face recognition by decision fusion of two-dimensional linear discriminant analysis and local binary pattern, frontiers of computer science, v 10, n 6, p 1118-1129, december 1, 2016.

11.qicong wang, yuxiang wu,yehu shen,yong liu, yunqi lei*, supervised sparse manifold regression for head pose estimation in 3d space, signal processing, july 2015, 112: 34-42.


1. 赵鑫,雷蕴奇,王其聪,多镜头立体视觉视差的计算方法,2019.3.15,cn105869157b。

2. 赵鑫,张艳,王其聪,雷蕴奇,一种用于车型识别的特征选取方法,2018.11.9,cn105469078b。

3. 赵鑫,雷蕴奇,一种对图像进行区域增强的方法,2018.10.19,cn105374018b。
