日本筑波大学井田(tetsuo ida)教授讲座-尊龙网平台

 日本筑波大学井田(tetsuo ida)教授讲座-尊龙网平台
日本筑波大学井田(tetsuo ida)教授讲座
发布时间:2006-12-06 点击:次

tetsuo ida  


university of tsukuba
department of computer science
university of tsukuba
tsukuba 305-8573, japan


经由软件学院邀请,日本筑波大学的井田(tetsuo ida)教授将于(12月7日)上午(10:30-12:00)在海韵a304会议室举办讲座《computational origami of a maximum equilateral triangle inscribed in an origami》。此次讲座主要面向软件学院的研究生及教师,也欢迎其他相关院系的师生参加。


we show the origami construction of a maximum equilateral triangle inscribed in a square origami, and the automated proof of the correctness of the construction. this simple example is an illustration of the features of the computational origami system called eos (e-origami system).


in the construction we apply the techniques of geometrical constraint solving provided in eos, and in the automated proof we apply groener bases method and the cylindrical algebraic decomposition method. the cylindrical algebraic decomposition method is indispensable for automated proof of the maximality since the specification of the maximality requires the notion of inequalities.


