
林子雨 副教授,实验教学中心主任

北京大学 博士(2009)

研究方向:数据库 数据仓库 数据挖掘 云计算


电子邮件:ziyulin (at) xmu.edu.cn










中国计算机学会会员, 2009-




lin ziyu, and et al, performance optimization of analysis rules in real-time active data warehouses,14th asia-pacific web conference on web technologies and applications,"apr 11-13, 2012"

lin ziyu, et al, a new algorithm on lagged correlation analysis between time series: tpfp,computer research and development,49,12(2012)

lin ziyu,et al, view-tree-based dynamic view selection,computer research and development,49,10(2012)

lin zi-yu,et al, research on cloud databases,journal of software,23,5(2012)

ziyu lin, yongxuan lai, chen lin, yi xie and quan zou. maintaining internal consistency of report for real-time olap with layer-based view. apweb’2011.lncs 6612, pp. 143–154, 2011.(ei收录).

林子雨,杨冬青,王腾蛟, 张东站. 基于关系数据库的关键词查询. 软件学报,vol 21 (10), oct, 2010.pp:2454-2476. (高级学术期刊,ei检索)

林子雨,林琛,冯少荣,张东站. meshjoin*:实时数据仓库环境下的数据流更新算法.计算机科学与探索,vol4(10),oct,2010.pp:927-939.

林子雨, 左思强, 赖永炫, 张东站. db&ir系统研究综述. 计算机研究与发展. vol 47(suppl.), oct, 2010. pp:176-180.

林子雨, 杨冬青, 王腾蛟, 宋国杰. 实视图选择研究.软件学报,vol 20 (2), feb, 2009. pp:193-213. (高级学术期刊,ei检索,accession number:20091111955872)

林子雨, 杨冬青, 王腾蛟. 利用基于移动均值的索引实现时间序列的相似查找. 软件学报,vol 19 (9), september, 2008.pp:1-13. (高级学术期刊,ei检索,accession number:20084011613568)

林子雨, 杨冬青, 宋国杰, 王腾蛟,唐世渭. 实时主动数据仓库中多维数据实视图的选择. 软件学报,vol 19 (2), feb, 2008.pp:301-313. (高级学术期刊,ei检索,accession number:20081311170345)

ziyu lin, dongqing yang, guojie song, and tengjiaowang. user-oriented materialized view selection. proceedings of the ieee 7th international conference on computer and information technology (cit 2007), 122-127.( ei检索:accession number: 080311031089)

ziyu lin, dongqing yang, guojie song, and tengjiao wang. dealing with query contention issue in real-time data warehouses by dynamic multi-level caches. proceedings of the ieee 7th international conference on computer and information technology (cit 2007)

林子雨, 杨冬青, 宋国杰, 王腾蛟. 实时主动数据仓库中面向需求的实时数据集成方法研究. 计算机研究与发展,2007, 44(suppl.), 435-440.

林子雨, 杨冬青, 宋国杰, 王腾蛟. 实时主动数据仓库中的变化数据捕捉研究综述. 计算机研究与发展,2007, 44(suppl.), 447-451.

ziyu lin, yongsheng xue and xiaohua lv. a new dynamic indexing structure for searching time-series patterns. in: proceedings of er2004 workshops comogis, comwim,ecdm, comoa, dgov, and ecomo, shanghai, china, nov, 2004. german, springer-verlag's lecture no

薛永生,林子雨,段江娇,吕晓华. 用多用户多窗口处理多维视图动态选择. 计算机研究与发展,2004,vol.41, no.10, page:1703-1711.(ei 检索)

lin z, lai m, *zou q, xue y, yang s, 2013. probability-based buffer replacement algorithm for flash-based databases. chinese journal of computers, 36(8): 1568-1581.

li z, li l, hong w, *li t, 2013. penetrate: personalized news recommendation using ensemble hierarchical clustering. expert systems with applications, 40(6): 2127–2136.

*zou q, wang z, guan x, liu b, wu y, lin z,2013. an approach for identifying cytokines based on a novel ensemble classifier. biomed research international, 12(2): 686090

*lin c, lin z, zou.q, 2013. hybrid pseudo relevance feedback for microblog retrieval, journal of information science, 39(6): 773-788

*feng s, ye l, lin z, 2014. research on parallel association rules mining algorithm based on hadoop, applied mechanics and materials, 543-547: 3625-3631.

*林子雨, 邹权, 赖永炫, 林琛,2014. 关系数据库中的关键词查询结果动态优化, 软件学报, 25(3):528-546.

*张东站, 苏志锋, 林子雨, 薛永生, 2014. 基于关系数据库的top-k聚合关键词查询, 计算机研究与发展, 51(4):918-929

*冯少荣, 叶林宝, 林子雨, 赖永炫, 2014. 一种基于评分策略和置信区间的代价敏感决策树, 计算机研究与发展, 51(suppl.ⅰ): 239-249.
