
沈志荣 副教授;博士生导师

清华大学 博士(2016)






厦门大学信息学院副教授(特任研究员),主要研究方向为大数据/云存储和智能存储技术,在ieee tc、tpds、tdsc和usenix atc、icde、infocom、icdcs、ipdps、dsn、srds等ccf a/b类期刊会议发表论文40多篇,获得acm sigcse中国新星奖(全国2名获奖),srds'20最佳论文奖(ccf-b类会议,通讯作者,国内第一次在该会获得最佳论文奖)、srds'15最佳论文提名奖(ccf-b类会议,第一作者),主持国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目和青年基金、jkw xxx工程项目、福建省杰出青年基金等国家/省级项目,以及华为、阿里和腾讯等企业横向课题。


1. acm sigcse中国新星奖(2022年度,全国计算机学科评选2名)

2. “香江学者”(2017年度,全国所有学科评选60名)

3. ieee srds’20最佳论文奖(2020年度,国内首次)

4. ieee srds’15最佳论文提名奖(2015年度)


1. 国家重点研发计划课题,高并发海洋大数据在线存储分析引擎设计与研发,2021-2024,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,数据中心高可靠修复与低延迟访问纠删码关键技术研究, 2021-2024,主持

3. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,分布式存储系统基于纠删码的可靠访问关键技术研究,2017-2019,主持

4. 福建省自然科学基金项目(杰青项目),基于软硬件协同的大数据高可靠存储技术,2023-2026,主持

5. 华为-胡杨林基金(存储领域),跨数据中心感知的纠删码容错:技术研究与系统实现,2022-2023,主持(获得华为“火花奖”)

6. 华为-胡杨林基金(系统软件专项),高可靠大容量内存池系统关键技术研究,2021-2022,主持

7. 腾讯犀牛鸟科研基金,区块链存储网络高可靠存储与低访问延迟兼顾的纠删码技术研究,2020-2021,主持

8. 阿里巴巴air项目,面向多核场景的分布式数据库系统优化技术研究,2023-2024,主持

9. 之江实验室开放课题,区块链存储网络基于纠删码的高可靠存储技术研究,2020-2022,主持



[c29] ccflash: a correlation-aware compression approach in flash memory.
jianqiang chen, qiongxia huang, jiebin zhai, and zhirong shen* in proceedings of the 38th acm/sigapp symposium on applied computing ( sac'23 ), march 27-31, 2023.

[c28] redesigning high-performance lsm-based key-value stores with persistent cpu caches.
yijie zhong, zhirong shen*, zixiang yu, and jiwu shu
in proceedings of the 39th ieee international conference on data engineering ( icde'23 ), april 3-7, 2023.

[c27] accelerating garbage collection of 3d flash memory via exploiting inter-channel parallelism.
hongbin gong, zhirong shen*, and jiwu shu
in proceedings of the 40th ieee international conference on computer design ( iccd'22 ), october 23-26, 2022.

[c26] accelerating sub-block erase in 3d nand flash memory.
hongbin gong, zhirong shen*, and jiwu shu
in proceedings of the 39th ieee international conference on computer design ( iccd'21 ), october 24-27, 2021. (ar: 60/246 = 24.4%)

[c25] simiencode: a similarity-based encoding scheme to improve performance and lifetime of non-volatile main memory.
suzhen wu, jiapeng wu, zhirong shen, zhihao zhang, zuocheng wang, and bo mao
in proceedings of the 39th ieee international conference on computer design ( iccd'21 ), october 24-27, 2021. (ar: 60/246 = 24.4%)

[c24] boosting full-node repair in erasure-coded storage.
shiyao lin, guowen gong, zhirong shen*, patrick p. c. lee, and jiwu shu
in proceedings of 2021 usenix annual technical conference ( usenix atc'21 ), july 14-16, 2021. (ar: 64/341 = 18.8%)

[c23] when delta sync meets message-locked encryption: a feature-based delta sync scheme for encrypted cloud storage.
suzhen wu, zhanhong tu, zuocheng wang, zhirong shen , and bo mao
in proceedings of the 41st ieee international conference on distributed computing systems ( icdcs'21 ), july 7-10, 2021. (ar: 97/489 = 19.8%)

[c22] cagc: a content-aware garbage collection scheme for ultra-low latency flash-based ssds.
suzhen wu, chunfeng du, haijun li, hong jiang, zhirong shen , and bo mao
in proceedings of 35th ieee international parallel & distributed processing symposium ( ipdps'21 ), may 17-21 2021.

[c21] optimal rack-coordinated updates in erasure-coded data centers.
guowen gong, zhirong shen*, suzhen wu, xiaolu li, and patrick p. c. lee
in proceedings of ieee international conference on computer communications ( infocom'21 ), may 2021. (ar: 252/1266 = 19.9%)

[c20] ead: a collision-free and high performance ecc assisted deduplication scheme for flash storage.
suzhen wu, jindong zhou, weidong zhu, hong jiang, zhijie huang, zhirong shen, and bo mao
in proceedings of the 38th ieee international conference on computer design ( iccd'20 ), oct. 18-21, 2020, hartford, connecticut, usa. (ar: 62/221 = 28.1%)

[c19] enabling i/o-efficient redundancy transitioning in erasure-coded kv stores via elastic reed-solomon codes.
si wu, zhirong shen*, and patrick p. c. lee
in proceedings of the 39th international symposium on reliable distributed systems ( srds'20 ), sep. 21-24, 2020, shanghai, china. (ar: 32/131 = 24.4%)
prof. c. v. ramamoorthy best paper award

[c18] bitflip: a bit-flipping scheme for reducing read latency and improving reliability of flash memory.
suzhen wu, sijie lan, jindong zhou, hong jiang, and zhirong shen*
in proceedings of the 36th international conference on massive storage systems and technology ( msst'20 ), october, 2020, usa.

[c17] toward adaptive disk failure prediction via stream mining.
shujie han, parick p.c. lee, zhirong shen, cheng he, yi liu, and tao huang
in proceedings of the 40th ieee international conference on distributed computing systems ( icdcs'20 ), july 8-10, 2020, singapore. (ar: 105/584 = 18.5%)

[c16] optimal encoding and decoding algorithms for the raid-6 liberation codes.
zhijie huang, hong jiang, zhirong shen, hao chen, nong xiao, and ning li
in proceedings of the 34th ieee international parallel and distributed processing symposium ( ipdps'20 ), may 18-22, 2020, new orleans, louisiana, usa.

[c15] clustersr: cluster-aware scattered repair in erasure-coded storage.
zhirong shen, jiwu shu, zhijie huang, and yingxun fu
in proceedings of the 34th ieee international parallel and distributed processing symposium ( ipdps'20 ), may 18-22, 2020, new orleans, louisiana, usa.

[c14] on the optimal repair-scaling trade-off in locally repairable codes.
si wu, zhirong shen, and patrick p.c. lee
in proceedings of ieee international conference on computer communications ( infocom'20 ), april 27-30, 2020, beijing, china. (ar: 268/1354=19.8%)

[c13] fast predictive repair in erasure-coded storage.
zhirong shen, xiaolu li, and patrick p.c. lee
in proceedings of the 49th ieee/ifip international conference on dependable systems and networks ( dsn'19 ), june 24-27, 2019, oregon, usa. (ar: 54/252=21.4%)

[c12] parity-only caching for robust straggler tolerance.
mi zhang, qiuping wang, zhirong shen, and patrick p.c. lee
in proceedings of the 35th international conference on massive storage systems and technology ( msst'19 ), may 20-24, 2019, santa clara, usa.

[c11] cross-rack-aware updates in erasure-coded data centers.
zhirong shen, and patrick p.c. lee
in proceedings of the 47th international conference on parallel processing ( icpp'18 ), aug. 13-16, 2018, oregon, usa. (ar: 91/313=29.1%)

[c10] correlation-aware stripe organization for efficient writes in erasure-coded storage systems.
zhirong shen, patrick p.c. lee, jiwu shu, and wenzhong guo.
in proceedings of the 36th international symposium on reliable distributed systems ( srds'17 ), sep. 26-29, 2017, hong kong, china.(ar: 24/72=33.3%)

[c9] encoding-aware data placement for efficient degraded reads in xor-coded storage systems.
zhirong shen, patrick p.c. lee, jiwu shu, and wenzhong guo.
in proceedings of the 35th international symposium on reliable distributed systems ( srds'16 ), sep. 26-29, 2016, budapest, hungary.(ar: 29/83=34.9%)

[c8] efficient routing for cooperative data regeneration in heterogeneous storage networks.
zhirong shen, patrick p.c. lee, and jiwu shu
in proceedings of the 24th ieee/acm symposium on quality of service ( iwqos'16 ), jun. 20-21, beijing, china. (ar: 27/131=20.6%)

[c7] reconsidering single failure recovery in clustered file systems.
zhirong shen, jiwu shu, and patrick p.c. lee
in proceedings of the 46th annual ieee/ifip international conference on dependable systems and networks ( dsn'16 ), jun. 28~jul. 1, 2016, toulouse, france. (ar: 58/259=22.4%)

[c6] seek-efficient i/o optimization in single failure recovery for xor-coded storage systems.
zhirong shen, jiwu shu, and yingxun fu.
in proceedings of the 34th international symposium on reliable distributed systems ( srds'15 ), sep. 28-oct. 1, 2015, montreal, canada.
best paper nominee

[c5] ec-frm: a novel erasure coding framework to speed up reads for erasure coded cloud storage systems.
yingxun fu, jiwu shu, zhirong shen .
in proceedings of the 44th annual conference 2015 international conference on parallel processing ( icpp'15 ), sep. 1-4, 2015, beijing, china

[c4] hv code: an all-around mds code to improve efficiency and reliability of raid-6 systems.
zhirong shen, and jiwu shu
in proceedings of the 44th annual ieee/ifip international conference on dependable systems and networks ( dsn'14 ), jun. 23-26, 2014, atlanta, usa.

[c3] keyword search with access control over encrypted data in cloud computing.
zhirong shen, jiwu shu, and wei xue
in proceedings of the 22nd ieee/acm symposium on quality of service ( iwqos'14 ), may 26-27, 2014, hong kong, china.

[c2] preferred keyword search over encrypted data in cloud computing.
zhirong shen, jiwu shu, and wei xue
in proceedings of the 21st ieee/acm international symposium on quality of service ( iwqos'13 ), jun. 3-4, 2013, montreal, canada.

[c1] secure storage systems and key technologies.
jiwu shu, zhirong shen, wei xue, and yingxun fu
in proceedings of the 18th asia and south pacific design automation conference ( asp-dac'13 ), jan. 22-25, 2013, pacifico yokohama, yokohama, japan. (invited paper)


[j19] optimal rack-coordinated updates in erasure-coded data centers: design and analysis.
guowen gong, zhirong shen*, liang chen, suzhen wu, xiaolu li, patrick p. c. lee, zhiguo wan, and jiwu shu.
accepted for publication in ieee transactions on computers ( tc )

[j18] streamdfp: a general stream mining framework for adaptive disk failure prediction.
shujie han, patrick p. c. lee, zhirong shen, cheng he, yi liu, and tao huang.
accepted for publication in ieee transactions on computers ( tc )

[j17] fast proactive repair in erasure-coded storage: analysis, design, and implementation.
xiaolu li, keyun cheng, zhirong shen*, and patrick p. c. lee
ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems ( tpds ), 33(12), pp. 3400-3414, 2022.

[j16] optimal repair-scaling trade-off in locally repairable codes: analysis and evaluation.
si wu, zhirong shen, patrick p. c. lee, and yinlong xu
ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems ( tpds ), 33(1), pp. 56-69, 2022.

[j15] cluster-aware scattered repair in erasure-coded storage: design and analysis.
zhirong shen, shiyao lin, jiwu shu, chengxin xie, zhijie huang, and yingxun fu
ieee transactions on computers ( tc ), 70(11), pp. 1861-1874, 2021.

[j14] cross-rack-aware updates in erasure-coded data centers: design and evaluation.
zhirong shen, and patrick p.c. lee
ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems ( tpds ), 31(10), pp. 2315-2328, 2020.

[j13] cross-rack-aware single failure recovery for clustered file systems.
zhirong shen, patrick p.c. lee, jiwu shu, and wenzhong guo
ieee transactions on dependable and secure computing ( tdsc ), 17(2), pp. 248-261, 2020.

[j12] correlation-aware stripe organization for efficient writes in erasure-coded storage: algorithms and evaluation.
zhirong shen, patrick p.c. lee, jiwu shu, and wenzhong guo
ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems ( tpds ), 30(7), pp. 1552-1564, 2019.

[j11] encoding-aware data placement for efficient reads in xor-coded storage systems: algorithms and evaluation.
zhirong shen, patrick p.c. lee, jiwu shu, and wenzhong guo
ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems ( tpds ), 29(12), pp. 2241-2253, 2018.

[j10] preferred search over encrypted data.
zhirong shen, jiwu shu, and wei xue
frontiers of computer science ( fcs ), 12(3), pp. 593-607, 2018.

[j9] keyword search with access control over encrypted cloud data.
zhirong shen, jiwu shu, and wei xue
ieee sensors journal, 17(3), pp. 858-868, 2017.

[j8] seek-efficient i/o optimization in single failure recovery for xor-coded storage systems.
zhirong shen, jiwu shu, patrick p.c. lee, and yingxun fu
ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems ( tpds ), 28(3), pp. 877-890, 2017.

[j7] short code: an efficient raid-6 mds code for optimizing degraded reads and partial stripe writes.
yingxun fu, jiwu shu, xianghong luo, and zhirong shen
ieee transactions on computers ( tc ), 66(1), pp. 127-137, 2017.

[j6] parity-switched data placement: optimizing partial stripe writes in xor-coded storage systems.
zhirong shen, jiwu shu, and yingxun fu
ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems ( tpds ), 27(6), pp. 1674-1686, 2016.

[j5] hv code: an all-around mds code for raid-6 storage systems.
zhirong shen, jiwu shu, and yingxun fu
ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems ( tpds ), 27(11), pp. 3311-3322, 2016.

[j4] reconsidering single disk failure recovery for erasure coded storage systems: optimizing load balancing in stack-level.
yingxun fu, jiwu shu, zhirong shen , and guangyan zhang
ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems ( tpds ), 27(5), pp. 1457-1469, 2016.

[j3] shield: a stackable secure storage system for file sharing in public storage.
jiwu shu, zhirong shen , and wei xue
journal of parallel and distributed computing ( jpdc ), 74 (9), 2872-2883, 2014.

[j2] survey on the research and development of searchable encryption schemes.
zhirong shen , wei xue, and jiwu shu
journal of software, 25(4), 2014. (in chinese)

[j1] research on the new non-volatile storage.
zhirong shen , wei xue, and jiwu shu
journal of computer research and development, 51(2), 2014. (in chinese)
