
臧彧 副教授

西安交通大学 博士(2014) 美国普林斯顿大学访问学者 美国伊利诺伊香槟分校访问学者



电子邮件:zangyu7 (at) 126.com



福建省高等学校创新团队“智能感知与城市计算”成员、福建省专业学位研究生导师团队成员、美国普林斯顿大学访问学者。长期担任计算机领域顶级图形图像刊物ieee t-ip,t-vcg,三维空间计算顶级刊物ieee t-grs,isprs等期刊的审稿人,中国计算机学会ccf图形图像专委会委员,国家自然科学基金委通讯评议专家。在ieee t-ip、t-vcg、 ieee t-grs、isprs等ccf a类及国际顶级期刊会议中发表论文30余篇,授权发明专利14项。    




•福建省科技进步一等奖, 2018 (rank: 6/10)






期刊论文  (第一或通信作者)

•[jcst] 1. hua huang, yu zang*, paul l. rosin, chun qi, edge-aware level set diffusion and bilateral filtering reconstruction for image magnification. journal of computer science and technology, 2009, 24(4): 734-744. (ccf b, jcr 3)

•[tvc] 2. hua huang, yu zang*, chen-feng li, example-based painting guided by color features. the visual computer, 2010, 26(6-8): 933-942. (ccf c, jcr 3)

•[cs]  3. hua huang,yu zang*,lei zhang,image/video painterly rendering,computer science,2011, 38(6): 1-6. (ei)

•[jcst] 4. yu zang, hua huang, chen-feng li, stroke style analysis based image painterly rendering. journal of computer science and technology, 2013, 28(5): 762–775. (ccf b, jcr 3)

•[tvc] 5. yu zang, hua huang, chen-feng li, image stylization via artistic vision. the visual computer, 2014. (ccf c, jcr 3)

•[tvcg] 6.yu zang, hua huang, lei zhang, efficient image filtering via local extrema on space filling curve. ieee transactions on visualization and computer graphics, 2014, 20(9): 1253-1265. (ccf a , jcr 2)

•[tgrs] 7. y. zang, c. wang, y. yu, l. luo, y. ke, j. li. joint enhancing filtering for road network extraction, ieee transactions on geoscience and remote sensing, 2017, 55(3):1511-1525.  (ccf b , jcr 1, top)

•[tgrs] 8. y. zang, c. wang, l. cao, y. yu, j. li. road network extraction via aperiodic directional structure measurement, ieee transactions on geoscience and remote sensing, 2016, 54(6): 3322-3335.  (ccf b , jcr 1, top)

•[tvcg] 9. y. zang, h. huang, l. zhang. guided adaptive image smoothing via directional anisotropic structure measurement, ieee transactions on visualization and computer graphics, 2015, 21(9): 1015-1027.  (ccf a , jcr 2)

•[rsl] 10. lun l , yu z , xiaofang w , et al. estimating road widths from remote sensing images. remote sensing letters, 2018, 9(9):819-828. (jcr 3)

•[rs] 11. zhang yang, xiong zhangyue & zang yu, wang cheng, li jonathan. (2019). topology-aware road network extraction via multi-supervised generative adversarial networks. remote sensing.  ( jcr 2)

•[kbs] 12. yang zhanga, kai huo, yongxiang liu, xiang lib, qianyu zhang, yu zang, cheng wang. pgnet: a part-based generative network for 3d object reconstruction, ieee transactions on visualization and computer graphics, 2015, 21(9): 1015-1027.  (jcr 1)

•[tip] 13. ding l , huang h , zang y . image quality assessment using directional anisotropy structure measurement[j]. ieee transactions on image processing. (ccf a , jcr 1)

•[isprs] 14. weini zhang, linwei chen, zhangyue xiong, yu zang, jonathan li, leizhao,  large-scale point cloud contour extraction via 3d guided multi-conditional generative adversarial network[j]. isprs journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing, 2020, online. (jcr 1)

会议论文 (第一或通信作者)

•[cgi] 1. hua huang, yu zang*, chen-feng li, example-based painting guided by color features. in proceeding of computer graphics international 2010. (ccf c)

•[igarss] 2. p.k. li, y. zang, c.wang, j. li. road network extraction via deep learning and line integral convoluiton, ieee international geoscience and remote sensing symposium, 2016, pp:1599-1602. (flagship conference on remote sensing)

•[igarss] 3. xia zhichao, zang yu, wang cheng, li jonathan. ieee international geoscience and remote sensing symposium (2017). road width measurement from remote sensing images. 902-905. 10.1109/igarss.2017.8127098.

•[igarss] 4.wang xiaofang, zang yu, chen yiping, wang cheng, li, jonathan. (2018). rural road networks matching via extending line. 7419-7422. 10.1109/igarss.2018.8519400.
