
吴云峰 副教授

北京邮电大学 博士(2008)







  • 数据挖掘原理及实践(本科生课程)

  • 信号检测理论(本科生课程)

  • 数学建模(本科生课程)

  • 信号检测与估计(研究生课程)


  • ieee高级会员

  • sensors期刊编委

  • physiological measurement期刊编委

  • frontiers in signal processing期刊副编辑

  • computational and mathematical methods期刊副编辑

  • 福建省药品监督管理局食品药品认证审评中心评审专家

  • 福建省科技厅科技计划项目评审专家

  • 厦门市政务信息化项目评审专家

  • 中国研究生数学建模竞赛评审专家

  • 国际中学生数学建模挑战赛 (immc) 评审专家


  • 美国大学生数学建模竞赛特等奖指导教师

  • 厦门大学2020年度德贞社会课堂基金优秀指导教师

  • 阿里云2016年天池大数据竞赛明星导师奖

  • 厦门大学2015年度本科生科创竞赛优秀指导教师

  • 2015年福建省优秀研究生学位论文指导教师

  • 厦门大学英语教学技能比赛一等奖

  • ibm中国奖研金

  • 厦门大学邓子基奖教金

  • 厦门大学2011年学生课外学术科技活动及竞赛优秀指导教师奖


  • *y. wu. 2015. knee joint vibroarthrographic signal processing and analysis, heidelberg, germany: springer-verlag.

  • y. wu*, p. chen, x. luo, m. wu, l. liao, s. yang, r. m. rangayyan. measuring signal fluctuations in gait rhythm time series of patients with parkinson's disease using entropy parameters, biomedical signal processing and control, 2017, 31: 265-271

  • y. wu*, p. chen, x. luo, h. huang, l. liao, y. yao, m. wu, r. m. rangayyan. 2016. quantification of knee vibroarthrographic signal irregularity associated with patellofemoral joint cartilage pathology based on entropy and envelope amplitude measures, computer methods and programs in biomedicine, 130: 1-12

  • y. wu*, p. chen, y. yao, x. ye, y. xiao, l. liao, m. wu, j. chen. dysphonic voice pattern analysis of patients in parkinson's disease using minimum inter-class probability risk feature selection and bagging ensemble learning methods, computational and mathematical methods in medicine, 2017: 4201984

  • s. yang, s. cai, f. zheng, *y. wu, k. liu, m. wu, q. zou, j. chen. 2014. representation of fluctuation features in pathological knee joint vibroarthrographic signals using kernel density modeling method, medical engineering and physics, 36(10): 1305-1311

  • *y. wu, s. yang, f. zheng, s. cai, m. lu, m. wu. 2014. removal of artifacts in knee joint vibroarthrographic signals using ensemble empirical mode decomposition and detrended fluctuation analysis, physiological measurement, 35(3): 429-439

  • c. lin, w. chen, c. qiu, y. wu, s. krishnan, *q. zou. 2014. libd3c: ensemble classifiers with a clustering and dynamic selection strategy, neurocomputing, 123: 424-435

  • *r. m. rangayyan, f. oloumi, y. wu, s. cai. 2013. fractal analysis of knee-joint vibroarthrographic signals in power spectral analysis, biomedical signal processing and control, 8(1): 23-29

  • s. cai, s. yang, f. zheng, m. lu, *y. wu, s. krishnan. 2013. knee joint vibration signal analysis with matching pursuit decomposition and dynamic weighted classifier fusion, computational and mathematical methods in medicine, 2013: 904267

  • *y. wu, l. shi. 2011. analysis of altered gait cycle duration in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis based on nonparametric probability density function estimation, medical engineering and physics, 33(3): 347-355

  • *y. wu, s. krishnan. 2011. combining least-squares support vector machines for classification of biomedical signals: a case study with knee-joint vibroarthrographic signals, journal of experimental and theoretical artificial intelligence, 23(1): 63-77

  • *y. wu, s. krishnan. 2010. statistical analysis of gait rhythm in patients with parkinson's disease, ieee transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering, 18(2): 150-158
