
李王明卉 助理教授







2019年博士毕业于厦门大学信息学院,2017-2018年赴美国north carolina state university电子与计算机工程系联合培养(师从戴怀宇教授,ieee fellow), 2019-2021年任加拿大western university电子与计算机工程系博士后研究员(王现斌教授课题组,加拿大工程院院士,ieee fellow),现任信息学院信息与通信工程系助理教授。曾在ieee journal on selected areas in communications, ieee transactions on mobile computing, ieee transactions on wireless communications等国际顶级期刊上发表多篇学术论文。


ieee 会员, tpc member (globalcom 2020, globalcom 2021, globalcom 2022, icc 2022)


ieee journal on selected areas in communications (ieee jsac), ieee transactions on mobile computing (ieee tmc), ieee transactions on information forensics and security (ieee tifs), ieee transactions on vehicular technology (ieee tvt), ieee internet of things journal (ieee jiot), ieee system journal, etc.




国家自然科学基金 面上项目 边端协同车联网低时延高能效多域资源管理理论与技术研究,2023-2026

厦门市自然科学基金 青年创新项目 面向高效联邦学习的车联网多域资源优化方法研究,2022-2025

厦门大学校长基金 优青培育项目 广域异构计算资源智能协同调度理论与方法研究,2023-2025


国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 61971365, 基于混合云架构的车联网通信与计算资源联合优化研究, 2020-01-01 至 2023-12-31

国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 61801409, sdn架构下的异构车联网多域资源虚拟化研究, 2019-01-01 至 2021-12-31

【代表期刊论文(*通讯作者, #共同一作)】

1. m. liwang, x. wang, et al, " graph-represented computation-intensive task scheduling over air-ground integrated vehicular networks", ieee transactions on services computing, 2023. (if: 11.019, ccf a, 中科院2区)

2. m. liwang, x. wang, et al, "let's trade in the future! a futures-enabled fast resource trading mechanism in edge computing-assisted uav networks", ieee journal on selected areas in communications, 2021. (if: 13.081, ccf a, 中科院1区)

3. m. liwang, x. wang, et al. "unifying futures and spot market: overbooking-enabled resource trading in mobile edge networks", ieee transactions on wireless communications, 2022. (if: 8.346, ccf b, 中科院1区)

4. m. liwang, x. wang, et al, "overbooking-empowered computing resource provisioning in cloud-aided mobile edge networks", ieee/acm transactions on networking, 2022. (if: 3.796, ccf a, 中科院2区)

5. m. liwang, x. wang, et al, "resource trading in edge computing-enabled iov: an efficient futures-based approach", ieee transactions on services computing, 2021. (if: 11.019, ccf a, 中科院2区)

6. m. liwang, x. wang, et al, "overbook in advance, trade in future: computing resource provisioning in hybrid device-edge-cloud networks", ieee network, 2022. (if: 10.294, 中科院2区)

7. m. liwang, x. wang, et al, "computing resource provisioning at the edge: an overbooking-enabled trading paradigm", ieee wireless communications, 2022. (if: 12.777, 中科院1区)

8. m. liwang, h. dai, et al, "allocation of computation-intensive graph jobs over vehicular clouds in iov", ieee internet of things journal, 2019. (if: 10.238, ccf c, 中科院1区)

9. m. liwang, h. dai, et al, "a truthful reverse-auction mechanism for computation offloading in cloud-enabled vehicular network", ieee internet of things journal, 2018. (if: 10.238, ccf c, 中科院1区)

10. m. liwang, h. dai, et al. "a computation offloading incentive mechanism with delay and cost constraints under 5g satellite-ground iov architecture", ieee wireless communications, 2018. (if: 12.777, 中科院1区)

11. z. gao#, m. liwang*#, et al, "a truthful auction for graph job allocation in vehicular cloud-assisted networks", ieee transactions on mobile computing, 2021. (if: 6.075, ccf a, 中科院2区)

12. z. cheng, m. liwang*, et al, "auction-promoted trading for multiple federated learning services in uav-aided networks", ieee transactions on vehicular technology, 2022. (if: 6.239, 中科院2区)

13. z. liu, m. liwang*, et al, "rfid: towards low latency and reliable dag task scheduling over dynamic vehicular clouds", ieee transactions on vehicular technology, 2023. (if:6.239, 中科院2区)

14. z. cheng, m. liwang*, et al, "joint user association and resource allocation in multi-connectivity enabled uav networks", digital communications and networks, 2022, doi: 10.1016/j.dcan.2022.05.026. (if: 6.348, 中科院2区)

15. y. su, m. liwang*, et al, "toward optimal deployment of uav relays in uav-assisted internet of vehicles", ieee transactions on vehicular technology, 2023. (if: 6.239, 中科院2区)

16. z. cheng, m. liwang*, et al, "deep reinforcement learning-based joint task and energy offloading in uav-aided 6g intelligent edge networks", computer communications, 2022. (if: 5.047, 中科院3区)

17. z. cheng, m. liwang*, et al, "intelligent task offloading and energy allocation in the uav-aided mobile edge-cloud continuum", ieee network, 2021. (if: 10.294, 中科院2区)

18. y. su, m. liwang*, et al, "optimal cooperative relaying and power control for iout networks with reinforcement learning", ieee internet of things journal, 2021. (if: 10.238, 中科院1区)

19. y. su, m. liwang, et al, "green communications for future vehicular networks: data compression approaches, opportunities, and challenges", ieee network, 2020. (if: 10.294, 中科院2区)

20. s. dai, m. liwang, et al, "an adaptive computation offloading mechanism for mobile health applications", ieee transactions on vehicular technology, 2020. (if: 6.239, 中科院2区)


1. m. liwang, h. dai, et al. "energy-aware allocation of graph jobs in vehicular cloud computing-enabled software-defined iov", infocom workshop, 2020. (通信领域顶级会议)

2. m. liwang, h. dai, et al, "multi-task offloading over vehicular clouds under graph-based representation", icc, 2020. (通信领域顶级会议)

3. y. su, m. liwang*, et al, "coexistence of cellular v2x and wi-fi over unlicensed spectrum with reinforcement learning", icc, 2020. (通信领域顶级会议)
