水声语音通信机研究,企业委托项目, 2015.6~2016.6,在研,参与
xiaoyi hu, deqing wang*, yurong lin, wei su, yongjun xie, longcheng liu. multi-channel time frequency shift keying in underwater acoustic communication, applied acoustics, volume 103, part a, february 2016, pages 54-63 (elsevier: sci/ei).
deqing wang, ru xu, xiaoyi hu, and wei su, “energy-efficient distributed compressed sensing data aggregation for cluster-based underwater acoustic sensor networks,” international journal of distributed sensor networks, vol. 2016, article id 8197606, 14 pages, 2016. doi:10.1155/2016/8197606(hindawi:sci/ei)
fang xu, chaowu zhan, yongjun xie, deqing wang, 2015. performance of czt-assisted parallel combinatory multicarrier frequency-hopping spread spectrum over shallow underwater acoustic channels. ocean engineering, 110(1):116-125 (elsevier: sci/ei).
deqing wang, ru xu, xiaoyi hu,2015. energy-efficient data aggregation scheme for underwater acoustic sensor networks. in proceedings of acm wuwnet’15, oct 22-24 2015, washington dc, usa
deqing wang, xiaoyi hu, wei su, xialin jiang, yongjun xie, 2015. research on multi-channel time frequency shift keying for underwater acoustic comunication. in proceedings of ieee oceans’15. oct 19-22 2015, washington dc, usa.
wang deqing,xu ru,hu xiaoyi,xu fang,liu hui,chen huabin.reasearch on cluster-based mac protocol for underwater acoustic sensor networks..jcit,aicit,vol.7,no.6,pp.202-210,2012,ei:20121614955816
黄李海, 胡晓毅, 解永军, 王德清, 陈华宾, 2013. 基于melp的水下实时语音通信机的研究与实现[j]. 电子技术应用, 3: 17-19.
deqing wang, xiaoyi hu, fang xu, huabin chen, yingdong wu. performance analysis of p-csma for underwater acoustic sensor networks.in proceedings of ieee oceans’12,2012,ei:20124015487598
qi wang, xiao-yi hu,de-qing wang*. upgrading design and simulation research of maca based on the underwater acoustic networks. 2010 3rd ieee international conference on computer science and information technology . july 9, 2010 - july 11, 2010:381:385.ei:20104413338469
王 琦,胡晓毅,王德清*,贾 宏.基于水声网络的fama协议仿真研究[j].厦大学报(自然科学版),2010年7月.
deqing wang, ru xu, shaoyu zheng, fang xu, xiaoyi hu,hui liu.research on base-band ofdm underwater acoustic communication system. 2009 1st international conference on information science and engineering. december 26, 2009 - december 28, 2009:2703-2706. ei:20102212964707.